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This version was saved 9 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Tamir Moore
on May 26, 2015 at 3:40:53 pm

Welcome to 8thgrademathfeldmanpbworks.com

Welcome! I'm Tamir Moore and I am pleased that you are on my website. This website is a great collection of things that are in my interest. NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL are some things that have pages on the side. I display commentators for these events. Please refer to Schedules pages This took a lot of work to create and maintain!!!. I will update this website as frequently as I can. If you leave a comment, (ensuring that it is positive and appropriate for the readers of the website), comment on the bottom on any and all pages that you read. Check back for any updates. I love any accommodations and updates that you can give. Thank you so much for visiting, exploring, and commenting on my personal website!!!!!!!

Kind regards,

Tamir Moore


After School Tutoring only.....................

Hello, parents and students, my name is Tamir Moore, and I am one of the teachers of the After School Program here at Academy Park. The 2014-2015 school year marks the 5th year of myself teaching the after school program. I also teach other subjects as well during the regular school day. I am the only child at home, and I love that. Also, I have a wonderful family and friends. Next, over the last several years or so, I have done play-by-play for a variety of sports events and channels like: MLB on CSN, NFL on Fox, NBA on CSN, and later this year: NHL on NBC, NBCSN, and NHL on CSN. I "currently" work for Fox Sports and NBC Sports, after working for ABC Sports and ESPN from 2000-2014. I also contributed to ABC News and NBC News. I also contributed to 6abc, doing a few events each year. I attended DCIU, Delcroft School, and Darby Township School (graduating from there in 2014). I am currently attending Academy Park High School. This (After School) program is wonderful in helping students, like completing work, receving snacks, gaining credits/extra credit. I thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!







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